Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Layed It At The Cross...

Have you ever went to Jesus, and layed your burden at the cross? I was having dinner with a friend on Monday, she is a great women of God. We were having an interesting conversation, It was about issues that we had layed at the cross, and how the enemy tries to reopen old wounds, hurt, unforgiveness and so on... It is a daily struggle for many people. The good news is, we can overcome these feelings by faith and trusting our heavenly Father. when you make the decision to lay your burdens down, it means that you no longer are going to rely on self, but rely on God. And when the enemy comes in, and tries to poke at you, you simply say No, I have layed that down at the cross!!

What is your take on this? Will you trust in God, and lay your burden down?


Bree said...

Laying our burdens down can be one of the hardest things, because sometimes it takes many tries to actually leave them there! Once we are able to leave them, the reward is great; the fear, stress and condemnation are replaced with peace, love and freedomw. What an awesome exchange!!!

Diana said...

Well I have layed my burdens down before but I find myself struggling with worry and doubt BUT by Gods grace all my fears are layed to rest and that is when I am able to see Gods work in my life...what an awsome God we serve!!!

Daddy's Little Girl said...
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Daddy's Little Girl said...

The most important lesson I have learned is that all the thoughts that come to my mind are not my own. Things I thought I left at the cross comes flooding back to my mind and Dad showed me through those times to really take every thought captive. When there is a previous offense it is easy to take the current thoughts that flood our mind and mistake them for our own because we once had those same thoughts and feelings. Arresting every thought especially when there is a previous offense is the challenge. But I am living proof THE WORD works if you work it.